Mapua Willing Wheels

Volunteer Drivers Transport Service

We offer reliable & affordable transport in and around Māpua to link up with the e-bus and for appointments, activities, shopping and rides home from after-school activities


Costs:   Standard IRD rate of $0.95c per km 

Drivers:  Team of locals all police vetted & ready to go


Please contact the Service Co-ordinator to book a ride: 

Tel: 022 6822 373



Once the Co-Ordinator has the required detail, they will match the passenger with the most appropriate volunteer driver.  The Co-Ordinator will let the passenger know as soon as possible if they are able to confirm a driver and will also advise the cost.  The Co-Ordinator will email a copy of the Terms of Carriage to the passenger.  By confirming a ride booking the passenger is deemed to have read, understood and accepted these Terms of Carriage.  Allocated drivers will be given the passenger’s telephone number so they can contact the passenger for pick time and place.


Note: The service makes no guarantees that a volunteer driver will be available when needed.

Cancellations:  If the passenger needs to cancel a ride once confirmed please contact the Co-Ordinator as soon as possible preferably giving 24 hours notice. Waiting time:  volunteer drivers will wait for up to one hour if notified in advance that waiting time is required. 


Are you interested in becoming a driver to: 

·     help your community  

·     gain new skills?  

·      boost your confidence & wellbeing? 

Contact our Service Coordinator: 022 6822 373