
Fares update 1 December 2024

Motueka to Richmond - one way journey cost is $6.  Return journey is $12

Tapawera to Richmond / Tapawera to Motueka - one way journey cost is $6.  Return journey is $12 

The Motueka van (travelling the coastal route) can also carry bicycles (no E-bikes) at no extra charge. 

Note all times are approximate.  To confirm your seat we recommend you book and pay through the Motueka isite office (Tel 03 528 6543) so the driver knows to wait for you.  The volunteer bus driver may be able to pick you up near your home if this does not cause a significant delay.

The Richmond to Motueka timetable allows time to link with an E-bus from Nelson City back to Richmond. 

Although we endeavour to run buses to the timetable, departure and arrival times are not guaranteed as they can be affected by traffic congestion, diversions, roadworks, breakdowns, accidents, weather conditions and other unforeseen events.  If there is a major service disruption, we will attempt to let passengers know via our Facebook page or mobile phone.


Volunteer Bus drivers will pick-up or drop-off passengers at designated bus stops.  However, the bus can stop anywhere along the route, by prior arrangement, and only where safe to do so.  


Any queries please contact the Transport Co-Ordinator:  Tel: 022 6822 373 or email jude@ntctt.org.nz